Thursday, December 3, 2009

So where's the (new) blog???

Hey all,

It's been great hearing from you on Twitter/Facebook/email/phone and, of course, in person. We're revamping the blogs so you'll be able to access them all from one spot.
So, if you're dealing with some coaching4kids issues while at the same time making a career or other kind of transition - well, you won't have to travel very far. I mean, nowadays, an extra click can feel 'so close yet so far'.

We'll also be adding one more - that's the one where I say what I really think about lots and lots of education and learning issues. So many of you have been asking to hear it like it is - I have no choice but to tell it like it is.

We're hoping for an early 2010 launch. Until then, keep the Tweets/FB messages, emails, phone calls and personal meetings coming. We appreciate you and feel so lucky to have all of you in our lives.

Happy Holidays and remember to -
Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca Kiki
You can always reach us at 646.355.8759, 411 at dlcecc dot com or @coachkiki on Twitter and Skype.