Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting Ready For School - Yay!Eek! Argh..Sigh

It's only days away. You can almost count it on the fingers of both hands. As a teacher, these were always the most gut-wrenching of days. Where has the summer gone? More. More. More. I know many of my students felt the same way. But then on that first day of school I'd see the love and adoration of the parents of my students..."WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!" Of course they did. I know it was true love and adoration but it was also - "glory be (insert your own expression)- school has started."

Ok. Lovefest and trip down memory lane over. I've been working with many of you over the summer and especially the last couple of weeks to make the coming school year the best one ever for your children. Maximizing their potential, enabling them to become lifelong learners, learning study skills, social skills and learning how to embrace challenges, triumphs and also to deal with the inevitable disapointments.

Quick Coaching Tip for the next week:
The best way to get ready for school is to begin to get children into a routine.
* Start getting them up at the same time each morning.
* Keep a calendar in the main traffic area of the house with a schedule for the week. It makes it easier to keep to a schedule when school starts.
* Involve your children in the process of getting ready for school. What are they most looking forward to? What are they looking forward to the least?
* Make a school chart or book. Have the children write down their expectations for the year to come. What would they like to happen? What do they hope to avoid? How can they participate in achieving those wishes?

We're setting up 15 minute coaching phone calls to help you deal with last-minute issues or need-help-right-now situations. They will begin next week. Check out Coaching Phone Calls. For more information please call 646.468.0608 or email me at kiki at dailylifeconsulting dot com

Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca "Kiki"
Daily Life Consulting