Thursday, December 3, 2009

So where's the (new) blog???

Hey all,

It's been great hearing from you on Twitter/Facebook/email/phone and, of course, in person. We're revamping the blogs so you'll be able to access them all from one spot.
So, if you're dealing with some coaching4kids issues while at the same time making a career or other kind of transition - well, you won't have to travel very far. I mean, nowadays, an extra click can feel 'so close yet so far'.

We'll also be adding one more - that's the one where I say what I really think about lots and lots of education and learning issues. So many of you have been asking to hear it like it is - I have no choice but to tell it like it is.

We're hoping for an early 2010 launch. Until then, keep the Tweets/FB messages, emails, phone calls and personal meetings coming. We appreciate you and feel so lucky to have all of you in our lives.

Happy Holidays and remember to -
Enjoy the day your way,
Rebecca Kiki
You can always reach us at 646.355.8759, 411 at dlcecc dot com or @coachkiki on Twitter and Skype.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back To School! Some Coaching Tips from Rebecca Kiki Weingarten for K-12 and Adults

Hi All,

How exciting! The first day/s of school, the adjustments, the anxiety and all the rest. We've been busy with our Education Workshops and Seminars and haven't had much time to post so...for those of you who were asking for some CoachKiki (@coachkiki on Twitter) info I'm going to list a couple of articles by some great people in great publications that might give you the start you need. These are some of my favorites - I'll be posting more original info as the school year continues.
Enjoy and good luck!

Parenting Magazine
The New Mom at School
Your guide to mommy cliques, scary teachers, and more
By Teri Cettina
(I'll add "new Dad/Parent" for single Dads or new-to-the-family parents!)
Emo and Goth: What It's All About
by Amanda Morin

Better Homes And Gardens
9 Ways to Help Kids Practice by Jeff Bredenberg
9 Ways to Help Kids Practice:
Point Out the Payoff

9 Ways to Help Kids Practice:
Rewards, Goals and Practice

WSJ DN MarketWatch
Adults In Session by Amy Hoak
Tips For Grownups Heading Back to School

NY Daily News
Spoiled Children Concern Parents by Sheryl Berk

Emergency Planning for Adults and Children
The Co-Operater Co-op and Condo Monthly
How To Care For At-Risk Residents

For more information on our coaching, seminars, workshops and speaking engagements please email 411 at dlcecc dot com or call 646.355.8759

Have a great day and a successful school year!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

3rd National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day Coming Up Soon

3rd National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day Coming Up Soon!
Hi All,

September arrives and with it 9/11 and all our memories of that day, the people we lost, our beloved Twin Towers, the NYC skyline, the way our world, and our perceptions of the world, changed.

We mourn and remember on 9/11 but what about the day after? What about the people who survived? What about the first-responders and everyone who experienced the day that changed everything? What about the people who suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of the trauma they experienced?

On 9/12 we commemorate those people, we raise awareness of PTSD and we encourage all around the nation to do the same.

The commemorations began in NY and in the years since has expanded to places all around the country. Seminars, information dissemination, support groups and workshops as well as education about PTSD is only part of what we do to raise awareness of PTSD.

This year, after meetings and many discussions we've decided to include PTSD awareness in many of the situational events and circumstances that can cause PTSD. We will continue to commemorate PTSD Awareness Day on 9/12 (September 12th) as well as continue the educational and awareness opportunities and events throughout the week of 9//12 - 9/19.

For more information please email us at
Wishing everyone a healthy September,
Rebecca Kiki Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA
Cofounder DLCECC
Cofounder National PTSD Awareness Day/Week

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Summer and Getting Ready for Fall!

Hi All,

Yes, Yes, we know - it's been ages (except for all of you who we've been on Twitter!)since we've been here. As you know, the economic climate and all the changes it's brought with it have brought new challenges, new situations and new solutions.

Change can be tough/scary/exciting and great all at the same time. We're getting our September programs in gear and we'll be here waiting for you when you get back from all the fun and sun that July and August bring.

Some of our seminars/workshops and individual coaching topics to look forward to -

Learning Skills
Reading and Writing Are Fuuuuuuuuun!!!
Finding Focus for Kids (of all ages)
Stress Management for Kids and Families
Teaching Children About Financial Issues
Communicating With Children So They Communicate With You
Test-Stress Management
Teaching Your Children to Deal With Conflicts
Learning to Fail Successfully
Enhancing and Building Creativity in Children
Helping Your Child Succeed

and more......

Feel free to call at 646.371.5048 or email at 411 at dlcecc dot com or say "hi" on Twitter @coachkiki for more information about any of the above or for more information about individual coaching for your and/or your child or educational institution.

Have a safe and wonderful summer and we'll see you soon,

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Economic Climate and Children/Young Adults

Hi All,

Regrets about not posting here for ages but things have been hectic!
Ok - I've seen or spoken to many of you about the current economic climate and the ways in which it is having an impact on you and those around you.

We are adding to our topics in our seminars and workshops as well as personal coaching so let us know if you have a topic you'd like addressed or an issue you'd be interested to work on.

Please call at 646.468.0608 or 411 at dlcecc dot com.

Remember first and foremost to take care of yourselves. Health comes first and then we'll work on everything else.
Rebecca "Kiki"
Short Term Coaching
Long Term Solutions

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Resolutions You (and your children) Can Keep - Easy As ABC

Hi - I get requests every January to repost this article I wrote about keeping New Year's Resolutions. Here it is! Enjoy!

New Year's Resolutions - Easy as ABC

New Year's Resolutions. They seem so easy to decide on and so difficult to carry out and achieve. Can they be as easy as ABC? Or 123? I think they can. Having begun my career teaching ABCs and 123s I know that the most effective way to learn something new is often the simplest way. With that in mind I created a system for my clients to help them set and achieve New Year's Resolutions that's as easy as - ABC and 123. I call it the 5Ws.

Think back to when you were learning how to read and add for the first time. You take for granted now the ease with which you read and comprehend but back then? Every new letter was difficult if not complicated. New sounds made by new vowels got the whole thing mixed up in your head. Oy. Or would that be oi? And what's all this about a 1 and a 5 being 15, isn't it 6?

Life seems to get more complicated as we get older and wiser. Once you get used to doing things a certain way it can feel unbearable to change. Making the changes in the simplest way possible is often the best ways to shift, change and move forward.

How about going back to the basics, and the strategies that worked when you were learning the basics? Step by step. Patience. Persistence. Pride in a job well done. Retracing your steps to find out what went wrong when you slip up. Breaking down complicated jobs into easy manageable tasks. Doing your homework. Rehearsing for the performance and often taking one step backward for every two steps forward.

The 5W System - As easy as ABC and 1,2,3

Journal supplies - a notebook and pen/pencil or computer.
New Year's Resolutions supplies - Your wishes, goals, hopes and dreams.
Strategy supplies - Your strengths and limitations.

As you answer the 5W questions below, jot them down in a journal you’ll be starting especially for this. Keeping a journal can often help in answering the 5Ws and helping you keep your resolutions.

The journal will give you a starting point aside from January 1st to refer to. A week or a month from now you can see how much progress you've made and decide if you’re happy with your progress, or lack thereof. You can continue from there. You can modify your tactics and start differently. Or you can start again using different techniques that fit your lifestyle better.

The 5Ws? Simple. Who, What, Where, When and Why.

* Who are you today and who would you like to be a year from now?
* Why do you want to make the change? Emphasis on YOU*.
* What changes in behavior and shifts in attitude will you need in order to make the changes and achieve your goal?
* Where can you get support to help you make the change? People, books, websites, journals etc.
* When is the best time of day/week/year for you to make the change? To evaluate the change? To take action toward achieving the change?

*A couple of tips to help you answer the “Why” for YOU.

OK, you've decided you want to make a change. Think about the change you've decided you want to make. You. Yes. Not anyone else who wants a change from you. You. OK. Are we there yet? One more minute. Think about it. It's OK - you can say, "I want to _______". If you need to whisper it that's OK, I can listen very carefully. If you need to write it down and burn it before anyone sees it, that's also OK. If you want to send yourself an email describing it, try that. Whatever works.

Now that you've decided what it is that you'd like to do/be/achieve, what mountain you'd like to climb, what number you'd like to see on the scale or in your bank account, which salutation you'd like to see before or after your name, what new places you'd like to explore or books you'd like to read....there's another step to take before we start planning the How.
Why do you want _________________________?

Find a place and time where you can sit quietly and think and have a real conversation with yourself or with your coach. Explore the reasons. Sure there are the first few surface/off the cuff that come to mind easily. Dig deeper. Keep asking yourself why until you've gotten to the real reason you want to achieve "whatever".

If we were working together I'd keep asking you why, why, why until we got to the real results you were after. So? What's the real reason? What do you really hope will be the result of your resolution?

Once you've figured out the "Why" it's easier to schedule and sort out the rest. You'll know the end result you're trying to achieve. By answering the Who, What, Where and When you'll be able to schedule the small tasks needed to make the change into your schedule.

Why? Why not? Why shouldn't you have the best year you've ever had before? Can you think of one good reason? I didn't think so. So go for it! Out with the old and in with the new.

Happy New Year!
Short Term Coaching
Long Term Solutions