Sunday, August 30, 2009

3rd National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day Coming Up Soon

3rd National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day Coming Up Soon!
Hi All,

September arrives and with it 9/11 and all our memories of that day, the people we lost, our beloved Twin Towers, the NYC skyline, the way our world, and our perceptions of the world, changed.

We mourn and remember on 9/11 but what about the day after? What about the people who survived? What about the first-responders and everyone who experienced the day that changed everything? What about the people who suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of the trauma they experienced?

On 9/12 we commemorate those people, we raise awareness of PTSD and we encourage all around the nation to do the same.

The commemorations began in NY and in the years since has expanded to places all around the country. Seminars, information dissemination, support groups and workshops as well as education about PTSD is only part of what we do to raise awareness of PTSD.

This year, after meetings and many discussions we've decided to include PTSD awareness in many of the situational events and circumstances that can cause PTSD. We will continue to commemorate PTSD Awareness Day on 9/12 (September 12th) as well as continue the educational and awareness opportunities and events throughout the week of 9//12 - 9/19.

For more information please email us at
Wishing everyone a healthy September,
Rebecca Kiki Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA
Cofounder DLCECC
Cofounder National PTSD Awareness Day/Week