Thursday, September 6, 2007

Marketwatch - Dow Jones - Tips for Grown-Ups Heading Back To School - My tips from the article.

Great article by Amy Hoak in Marketwatch/from Dow Jones - many of you asked for my tips - here they are as quoted in the article. I've attached a link to the full article below.

Adults in session
Tips for grown-ups heading back to school
By Amy Hoak, MarketWatch

CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Achieving a healthy balance between time at work and home is undoubtedly a challenge for many employees. But when adults also add coursework to their daily loads, the balancing act becomes even more intense.
Whether the goal is an M.B.A. or a bachelor's degree that will assist a career change, going back to school as an adult is often a lesson in time management and prioritizing. Sacrifice is another common word you'll hear among those brave enough to hit the books again -- whether they're giving up time with friends or missing their child's Little League games........

Remember the goal-
As students progress through a program, it's also important to take a step back at times to reassess whether their goals are being met and they can achieve the life balance they had anticipated, said Rebecca "Kiki" Weingarten, co-founder of and a career coach with New York-based Daily Life Consulting. She has worked with some clients who simply weren't able to handle demands of both work and school and had to readjust their plans.....

Take baby steps -

Plus, there's a big change adjusting to a larger workload and adapting to the academic mindset, added Weingarten. At work, students likely feel proficient and accomplished; in class, they're back in learning mode and take the role of a novice again, she said. Prepare for the shift and realize it might take some time to get used to the new circumstances.....

Get support from family and friends -
It isn't only the adult student who is learning to sacrifice while keeping up in school.
Less attention might cause young children to act up in school or be clingy during family time, while a spouse can also become jealous of the time an adult student sets aside to study, Weingarten said. Even friends might be envious of the classmates who now get more face time with their long-time buddy......

Stay professional on the job
Finally, it's important that students don't allow the demands of school to affect performance at the workplace, Weingarten said.
Students should keep school materials and books out of sight at work and definitely not on their desk in plain view, she said. Don't even stay at the desk if the plan is to study during the lunch hour, she added. Not only could it be distracting to merge work and school in the same office space, but it could also cause nosy co-workers or an employer to speculate about a student's motives and career goals -- or their current commitment to the job.
"That sends the message that you are not 100% here -- whether or not that is true," she said.

If you'd like some more tips please feel free to email me at coach at dailylifeconsulting dot com

Link to full article -

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